
Clayton E. Moneymaker American Legion Post 237



(Click above to open a printable form)

Mail Completed Application To:

American Legion Post 237
ATTN: Adjutant
PO Box 1176
Huntsville, AL 35807

Please print from your browser or click above and complete all requested information

First Name: ____________   Middle Initial: __   Last Name: ______________________

Date of Birth: _________________________

Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________   State: _____   Zip: _____________

Home Phone #: (        )_________________  Cell Phone #: (       )__________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________

Eligibility Dates (Please Check):                           

___  Dec. 7, 1941-Present         

Branch of Service (Please Check):   

__  U.S. Army  __  U.S. Navy  __  U.S. Air Force  __  U.S. Marines __  U. S. Coast Guard  __  U.S. Space Force

__  (Please Check)  I certify that I have served at least one day of active military duty during the dates marked above and was honorably discharged or still serving honorably.

My membership dues of $55.00 are paid by (Please check):

___   Personal Check       ___   Money Order       ___   Cashier’s Check


Signature of Applicant: _________________________________   Date: ____________