The intention of the Wargo Scholarship Program is to provide funding assistance for students that are descendants of veterans to assist them in attending an accredited college, university or vocational school. This program provides a scholarship award of $1000 for one year. These scholarships are annual, not repetitive, and must be applied for each year. Students must submit a transcript of grades to reapply each year. Application packages must be received by April 30th of each year.
Awards are made based on the recommendations of the scholarship committee. Judging is based on scholastic performance, basis of need, character, and volunteer work. Candidates should remember that their application packages should be prepared to convince the judges of their merit.
Scholarship funds will be forwarded to the educational institutions. Funds are not provided directly to students. Funds will only be forwarded if recipients are registered with the school. Registration must be done as early as possible so funds can be released in time to pay tuition and fees. Failure to register in a timely manner can result in forfeiture of funding.
Scholarship award money must be used within the 12 months of the date awarded and for the purpose intended; otherwise, funds will be refunded by the educational institution to the American Legion Wargo Scholarship Fund.
Applications must include the following attachments:
- Application Form. Download here---> Word Format -or- PDF Format
- A 100 to 200 word narrative in your own handwriting expressing your reasons and needs for applying for this scholarship.
- Results of college entrance exams (i.e., ACT or CEED-SAT scores).
- Complete transcript of grades from the most recent grading session.
- A letter from a member of your school’s teaching staff that attests to your qualifications as they observed your academic and extra-curricular performance. This letter must be requested by the applicant and sent with the application in a sealed envelope initialed across the flap by the staff member.
- At least two other letters of recommendation from persons, other than relatives, that attest to your character and potential. These letters should be included with your application.
- A copy of the acceptance letter from the college or university to be attended.
- Billfold size picture of scholarship applicant.
- Copy of the DD 214, discharge papers, or proof of eligibility of the descendant to the veteran.
- Package must be received at American Legion Post 237, or to the American Legion Post 237, Attn: Wargo Scholarship, PO Box 1176, Huntsville, AL 35807, no later than April 30th. Applications received after this date will not be considered by the committee.
- All of these documents become the property of the scholarship committee and will not be returned.